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5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

Assignment 5

Local Opportunity #1

Inked in regret: How to handle a bad tattoo

This article showcases some specific cases of bad tattoos that some people may regret later down the road. It references Ariana Grande's tattoo that means something different than what was planned and it also talks about local Gators and their stories of regrettable tattoos. The article later talks about remedies such as cover ups that can help fix these tattoos. The only catch is that the person has to dislike their tattoo and trust their tattoo artist.

The problem in the article is bad tattoos and the possibility of cover ups.

Those with bad tattoos who may want cover ups are the people who have this problem.

Local Opportunity #2

Meal prep: a college student's saving grace

This article talks about the ins and outs of basic meal prepping for college students. It focuses on the benefits that it can have for those who may skip meals when very busy and the benefits it can have on one's wallet. Their is also information regarding some of the basics of food prepping as well as a suggestion about an app that can help those who have no little to no experience. 

The problem in the article is college students spending too much on food and skipping meals because they're too busy to consistently make meals on demand.

The people who have this problem are college students, those with busy schedules, and those who would like to save more money on meals.

Local Opportunity #3

Alachua County Animal Services dogs under quarantine following outbreak

Alachua County animal services dogs have experienced an outbreak of canine distemper, which has resulted in six deaths so far. The disease is highly contagious, therefore the group is focusing on quarantining kennels to keep the disease from spreading. Canine Distemper can adapt to many dog's different needs, as it is a virus, and can cause things such as diarrhea, vomiting, pneumonia, respiratory infections, and even dementia. Dogs that are unvaccinated are much more likely to carry this disease and therefore the group has been telling people to vaccinate their dogs while the facilities are closed down for quarantine.

The problem in this article is that a dog had spread canine distemper within the shelter. Another problem can be the amount of people who don't vaccinate their dogs therefore leading to a more facilitated transfer of disease.

Those who have this problem are the sick dogs, staff at the shelter who have to quarantine, and those future dog adopters who are denied service while the shelter is shutdown temporarily.

Local Opportunity #4

Dating Sim games for lonely hearts

The article talks about how Valentine's Day is a significant day even for those who are single. As a possible solution to this problem, the article suggests the top five best dating simulation games that people can play to feel more loved on Valentine's day. The five games appear to be significantly different than one another based on the type of affection offered, sexuality of partners, and the amount of control the user has for story line. 

The problem is that sometimes single people can feel very lonely and therefore need to do something that represents affection.

The people with this problem are single people who are actively looking/interested in being in a relationship.

Local Opportunity #5

A high school football player 'who hasn't had a change to live' killed in shooting

This article and accompanying video talk about the senseless violence that plague our streets in some areas of the country. A 17 year old boy was found shot in his Miami Garden's home at around 3 pm after a call to the police from someone nearby. The boy was still alive when police forces came, however even with an airlift, they were unable to save him before arriving to the hospital. The fact that the boy was so young showcases how much time was stripped from him through senseless violence.

The problem is that people are getting killed in shootings all throughout the country. This problem is exceptionally special because the boy was very young and died much too early.

The people with this problem are any individual around the world that experiences senseless acts of violence in a situation where they have no escape or protection.


  1. These are all pretty good opportunities to look at! I particularly like the first three; there are plenty of people who get botched tattoos and it's a pretty glaring problem. Those who have one are in dire need of someone to fix it. Meal prepping is also a good one to tackle; especially because the current subscription boxes for meal plans like Hello Fresh tend to be on the more expensive side. Being able to cater to people of different price ranges and targeting the college market seems like a good plan.

  2. Referring to your article on Canine Distemper, I volunteered at the Humane Society when I was in Gainesville for my first two years. While I volunteered there, there was a minor outbreak but nothing like you are saying. I can tell you though that when it went around it was actually spread through contact with fecal matter of infected dogs. It is sad but quarantining never actually happened when a dog showed sign of the infection. There are too many dogs at the shelter to quarantine the animals so they would receive a immune booster shot that would hopefully break the condition and if not the dog would be almost immediately euthanized. Canine Distemper is really what you would imagine out of a rabid animal, foaming from the mouth and increased aggression. That being said, it was highly contagious in the animal shelter and it could be a really big problem.


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