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6A - Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Identifying Opportunities

Regulatory Trends

Sports Betting

Sports betting is a hot new topic that many states are now starting to address. A Supreme Court ruling last May ruled that a federal ban on state-sanctioned sports betting was unconstitutional. According to the Orlando Sentinel, over two dozen states are considering authorizing a form of state-sanctioned sports betting. The possibility of many states legalizing sports betting would be a great opportunity to produce revenue as professional sports and gambling bring in significant revenue every year. The prototypical customer would be anyone with a real interest in sports and doesn't dislike betting on the sports they are interested in. This opportunity would be hard to exploit on a large level but easy to implement on a more basic level. Big companies and established betting organizations could capitalize more easy than most other people but many people could make smaller and more local sports betting operations. I know of this opportunity because i've played Fantasy Football for the last few years. Many people are very interested in this opportunity and many have acted upon it in other states, however Florida has not yet made any judgments following the ruling.

Sales Tax for E-Commerce

Another recent Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota that involved Wayfair has led to online retailers now paying sales taxes in South Dakota despite not having a physical presence. It is now believed that many states will follow the lead of South Dakota and start collecting the sales taxes from companies like Amazon. I found this opportunity of an online article by Business News Daily. This news means that companies are more than likely going to introduce more brick and mortar stores throughout the country as they have no incentive to not stores in each state. The prototypical customer will be managers and other employees that would like jobs at store fronts rather than working remotely. This opportunity would be easy for managers and other store staff positions, however the legislation may be a little more difficult. I am one of many who have seen the opportunity but until legislation is passed in the majority of states there wont be any significant push of new stores throughout the country. 

Economic Trends

Rise of Electric Cars 

There has been a somewhat recent influx of electric cars on the roads and the companies producing these efficient vehicles. Many big name dealerships including Nissan, Toyota, and Honda have started major efforts to create these cars while Tesla has been producing them effectively for several years. I found this opportunity when I first heard that Tesla had started selling fully electric cars that actually looked very stylish. This opportunity exists because it has become clear that electric cars are of great desire for customers worldwide and they have a lot of potential to improve throughout the years. The prototypical customer would be anyone who would like to stop using gasoline vehicles and those who want to work for the specific department of these car manufacturers that work on/research electric cars. The opportunity would be difficult for car manufacturers as the technology is quite difficult, however it should be positive for those who are looking for jobs in a fast growing industry. I see potential in this idea because I think electric cars are ideal compared to gasoline vehicles and I am also aware how fast these related companies are growing as the demand for the cars grows. 

Baby Boomers are Refusing to Retire

The Baby Boomer generation in the United States has made the decision to postpone retirement even further. According to the New York Post, nearly 20 percent of Americans over the age of 65 have reported that they are still participating in the workforce. This is almost twice the percentage that was reported in 1986. I found this opportunity by finding a New York Post article through an accompanying google search. I believe an opportunity may exist for companies with the resources to employ these older workers, especially for smaller or seasonal jobs like greeters at Disney. The prototypical customer would be companies with these smaller jobs like Disney, Walmart, and Publix. This opportunity would be relatively easy to take advantage of because there is an increased supply of workers in the market and many may not have their old jobs past a certain age. I specifically saw potential for this opportunity because these older workers will need jobs regardless of the views of companies. Therefore, there will have to be positions or specific occupations to accompany this trend.
