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2A - Bug List

Bug List

1. Buses moving past bus stops when I am on the way to school, especially around 9-10 am in the mornings. This occurs because the bus already has too many people on-board by the time it gets to my stop.

2. The Wendy's on Archer road has its drive thru lane right next to their prime parking spots making it impossible to back out if the drive thru line has people waiting in it. This problem is due to the original building construction plans of the store and its lack of planning.

3. Standard apartment couches for college students usually have skinny metal legs that are underneath the bottom of the couch. The legs are both easy to hit with your feet when you are not paying attention and painful due to the sharpness of the leg's edges. This problem occurs both because there is no protection on the legs and because I do not pay enough attention when navigating downstairs.

4. The amount of leaves that are always on top of my car, path to my apartment door, and backyard. Even when its not late October there are always plenty of fallen leaves around Oxford Manor considering the vast amount of trees hanging over the buildings. This bug exists because leaves will always fall due to nature and my apartment does not clean up the common areas consistently.

5. The width of the gap between the drivers seat and the center console is far too big in my vehicle. There are no levers or anything important in-between these two objects making the gap essentially useless. Its also an easy place for me to drop my phone, wallet, and spare change when i'm driving. This bug exists because car manufacturers believe there is some importance to a wider gap between the seat and the console.

6. Drivers on the highway who travel at exactly the speed limit or below the speed limit in the left lane. I experience this almost every time I travel on I-75 or I-95. This bug exists because some drivers lack the knowledge that the left lane is also classified as the passing lane.

7. Gas station pumps do not allow payment of cash at the actual pump but instead require individuals to pay inside. It would be more convenient if gas pumps had the same operation as vending machines in that you can pay with cash or card. This bug exists because gas stations are more likely to deal with more complaints about people claiming they did not receive the amount of gas they paid for.

8. During busy times at the Walmart in Butler Plaza there are always plenty of employees near the checkout lanes, however usually only two and the self -checkout lanes are open. When the lines are ridiculously long they also fail to open up new lanes to manage the backups.This most likely occurs to the lack of experienced employees/management in the front-end of the store.

9. My kitchen is located downstairs and therefore far enough where I am unable to hear the sound of the oven finishing. This problem forces me to always keep track of the oven timer on my phone as I will be unable to hear it if I am ever upstairs. This problem exists because the oven noise is too quite, my room is too far from the kitchen, and there are no apps to sync my phone with the oven so there is no need for the timer.

10. The backdoor to my apartment is nice and aesthetically pleasing but very annoying to operate. In order to close the door and ensure it stays closed, my roommates and I have to pull the door very hard into its frame then lock it while still pulling the door towards us. This problem exists because the contractors who put together the backdoor did not perform the job up to standard.

11. The lack of parking on campus every weekday up until the later afternoon. Sometimes it can be nearly impossible to find a viable spot that its somewhat close to the destination that I am heading. This bug exists because there is not enough parking spots on campus.

12. When multiple buses on the same route are very close to each other instead of being spread out. On Transloc (bus tracking app), I can sometimes see the buses that I wish to be picked up by (on campus) are all near each other on the other side of town. This bug occurs because sometimes the buses do not communicate effectively enough to keep their spread.

13. Stores that only have one bathroom for customers, like Publix, sometimes shut down and clean their bathrooms during the peak hours of the store. Many times they are not timely and customers doing extensive shopping have to cut their time short. This bug exists because of bad planning concerning cleaning and the lack of multiple bathrooms inside the store.

14. When calling an Uber sometimes a far away driver will answer the request instead of other drivers who are much closer than they are. Sometimes the discrepancy is large enough where I will wait 15 minutes for a ride instead of receiving a ride from someone who is only 3-4 minutes away. This bug occurs because Uber allows drivers outside of a small radius to answer calls instead of giving priority to closer drivers.

15. Many chain pizza stores like Dominoes and Pizza Hut charge both a delivery fee and a tip. The delivery fee is a nuisance because it does not directly go to the driver therefore making it pointless to include on deliveries and not pick up orders. I would be much more willing just to give the driver a bigger tip instead of the company itself. This bug exists because pizza shops can make more profit on deliveries as they know many people will still order deliver vs carryout regardless of the fee.

16. My roommate who also lives upstairs has a habit of sleeping through his alarm. There is a decently long hallway that separates our two rooms, however his phone is loud enough where I can hear it through two walls and the length of the hallway. Depending on the time of the alarm, this sometimes ruin the joys of the early morning by waking me up much too early. This bug exists because my roommate is an incredibly heavy sleeper and there is no way for me to turn his alarm off for him.

17. The imperfect fit of my charging cable to my iPhone is a bug I deal with every night and car ride for the last year. Many mornings I will wake up to an uncharged phone even though the cable is still connected. This is due to it being slightly out of place and therefore not charging til I wiggle it. This bug occurs because I cannot clean the charging port of my phone without possible destroying it.

18. When people play their own music at restaurants or on the bus without the use of headphones. This bug exists because some people are oblivious to the nuisance it causes other people who do not want to listen to their music, especially when the restaurant is playing its own.

19. The McDonald's ice cream machine is out of service too often when I go to visit. At least half the time I go to get desert, the machine will be broken and I will have to go to Steak n Shake or get a frosty from Wendy's. This bug exists because the machines are poorly run or do not undergo maintenance consistently enough.

20. The songbirds outside my apartment in the early mornings are loud enough to wake me up by 9 am everyday of the week. Their mating calls are loud enough to hear through multiple walls (probably very thin) and are impossible to ignore. This bug exists because there are plenty of large oak trees behind and around the apartment that are suitable for bird populations.


When I first approached this assignment, I was able to rapidly name off the first seven or eight bugs because I consistently deal with them. It was not difficult to distinguish why each bug exists, however it was difficult to come up with 20 different bugs that are worth sharing. After finishing the first seven or eight, the rest took me quite awhile to come up with even with some help from my friends. I found that giving myself ample time for the assignment allowed me to come up with all 20 because it became very easy to add a few everyday when I kept rediscovering different bugs. I do not believe I would have been able to come up with all 20 in a single day as they were very hard to remember when you didn't experience that specific bug recently. After its completion, I have now come up with several other bugs that are more minor and niche and I know I will continue to find more in the near future.
