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3A - Entrepreneurship Story

Entrepreneur Story

When I was growing up as a young child in my neighborhood in Gainesville, there were always plenty of other similar-aged kids in the neighborhood to play with. Our front yard became the main field for daily soccer games, football games, and baseball. After years of continuously hosting and playing games with my brothers and our friends, we began to run out of different games that we had not already played excessively. Having that unmet need of an outside way to have fun, usually requiring some type of athletics, allowed my brothers and I to brainstorm multiple different ways that we could come up with new activities or spice up the pre-existing sports.After awhile of brainstorming and testing different ideas with different rules, we discovered that our backyard trampoline was the perfect instrument to change up different games and make them more interesting for all of us. We pioneered playing 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 soccer on the trampoline by using the trampoline posts as goal posts and the connecting nets as the goals. Playing soccer on the trampoline and allowing more physical contact than what is usually allowed for the sport gave birth to a new activity that we keep us enthralled for many years to come. We eventually also started playing various forms of football such as the infamous "500" on the trampoline, however they never caught on like they did with soccer. This activity was not only fun for my brothers and I but also for all the kids we played with in the neighborhood, even if they hadn't played soccer before. This is one of my earliest memories of ever having a workable idea that we could implement and benefit from. This activity never involved the selling of any products or services, however it did showcase that this new idea we came up with was worthwhile for all younger kids who wanted a variation of their favorite sports.

Image result for idea bulbImage result for soccer ballImage result for trampoline

Why ENT3003?

I have always held respect for entrepreneurs in that many of them are their own bosses and their success can be directly attributed to their own hard work. The idea of an individual possessing a very solid, marketable idea that can be important for many people has always appealed to me. I do not consider myself to be an extremely creative individual who can rattle off potential ideas, however I would like to gain insight on the processes for how to develop them and also the processes of what you can do with ideas once they are already formulated. Creating an image and path for an idea, or a solution for an unmet need, is not only very appealing to me, but it also presents itself as something that most individuals should learn as it can apply to many situations. I enrolled in this class because I am very interested in learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship even if I decide that I do not want to be a full-fledged entrepreneur in the future.
