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10A - Elevator Pitch No. 1

Convenient Fueling

Consulting Service based in Gainesville, Florida

My company's goal is to eliminate the inconvenience at gas stations for all cash customers. Gas stations throughout the country continue to only implement card readers while forcing cash customers to pay in-store. In order to seize this opportunity, my company will conduct meetings with local franchised gas stations to convince them of the benefits of this addition. With perks such as faster fill ups, distinction from other gas stations, and an opportunity of increased prices is a win-win for both companies and users. One thing we can always rely on is that customers will take convenience any way that they can get it.


  1. I love how you created a relatable scenario to encourage others to buy your product. It helps put it in perspective. Saving time is always a great motivator for individuals so it's definitely the aspect to highlight of your product, which you definitely did by having that be the end of your presentation. It sticks in the listener's mind!


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