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11A - Idea Napkin No. 1

1) You. 
My name is Sean Reed and i'm a senior at the University of Florida. My talents include being able to talk to anybody in an outgoing fashion and being confident for all my future business endeavors. I have experience working retail and at an attorneys office, therefore giving me a sense of the business world. In the future I hope to go to law school and become an attorney specializing in real estate law. I could run this business while pursuing other ventures as this business would not require full-time effort unless there turns out to be a very strong demand.
2) What are you offering to customers? 
The opportunity to pay for gas at the pump when paying with cash. This will also provide convenience to all gas station customers and employees.
3) Who are you offering it to? 
The end consumer would be any person with a vehicle that uses gasoline that utilizes cash. All of the customers share the requirement of riding in a gas power vehicle and periodically using cash.
4) Why do they care? 
Whether or not this product is implemented, customers will continue to pay for gas with cash. The only difference is that customers who use this product would simply save time every time they go to fill up. The gas station owners themselves, the audience of the pitch, would use this product to diversify their business from the rest. Gas stations across the country are all the exact same, however a new thing like this could make certain stations more desirable. 
5) What are your core competencies? 
My business is different from the rest because of the novelty of the idea that I possess. Anyone with the same idea and belief of its success could do the same thing as my business, however whoever starts first would have the most success.

These elements all fit together pretty well and should help facilitate an operable business. The only potentially weak joint of this operation is the third element. The main user of the service is not the only person we have to market towards. We have to help bring together the voice of the gas station owners and the actual gas customers in order to effectively convince these patrons. Aside from this, the business idea (on a napkin) remains a suitable opportunity to pursue. 


  1. Hey Sean,
    I like the idea you have developed and find it would be a great opportunity to make into a reality. I think not only would it save people more time but also help gas station workers cut down on the lines at the register because it would no longer back them up or bring heavy traffic into the store inside the station.

  2. Being able to pitch your idea is a strong talent and one you should definitely focus on if you choose to go through with this business venture. Being aware of your weak point allows you to work on it; if you manage to convince gas station owners, your venture should go over incredibly well.


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