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12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior

The segment that I chose was college students in the Gainesville area (ages 18-26) who are active drivers and at least occasionally make cash purchases.

I interviewed three students: 18 year old freshman who drives a ford truck, 22 year old senior who drives a mustang, and a 23 year old woman who just graduated this Spring. All three of the interviewees met the criteria for my unmet need and were all aware of this need before the interviews were conducted. When discussing the awareness of the need, all interviewees agreed that they always notice it when they are less than a quarter of gas in their vehicle. They all also talked about how every single time they wish to go back home to their respective cities on the weekends, they think about this unmet need as they are already on a long trip and would like any convenience they can get. The time that this unmet need is recognized is anytime that they are driving. It could be 1 pm, 3 am, or 9 pm. One interviewee also mentioned a specific situation where when she is not feeling 100% this unmet need comes more into play as she does not want any social interaction. The youngest interviewee also mentioned that sometimes when hes driving and notices that a gas station is completely empty or completely full then he becomes more aware of the need. He explained that this was because full gas stations make him desire a solution more and when its completely empty he sees it as a situation where the unmet need is less important. When they become aware of their need, all three interviewees agreed that they didn't believe that a solution was feasible as this has been the industry standard for decades. The amount of information search was generally very low among the interviewees. The Mustang driver said he had conducted no information search at all because he was adamant that no cash taking gas pumps exist. He said that he has had this debate before with some people, however there was no benefit or solution reached. The other two interviewees shared the thought process that the only time they would search for information would be if they are driving in an unfamiliar place and they would like to see if there are potentially less crowded gas stations nearby. They said that sometimes when they are driving they will see a very crowded gas station and would potentially look up on their phone to at least see if there is one within a somewhat short distance to potentially avoid the crowd.

The segment I chose is one that is very aware of the unmet need and believe that there are no solutions currently implemented so the information search is less relevant. If this business was implemented then the information search would be more successful as there is an actual solution to be searched. Once people are aware of one gas station with this convenience, then there is a greater possibility of people searching for this information.


  1. Hey Sean,
    I can totally understand where this need can be desired at any time of the day. A person can be driving long distance and be dressed comfortable (in pajamas) and not really want to be seen walking around or entering a gas station to be stared at by other customers or drivers passing by. I feel like this is an issue that needs to be dealt with.


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