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14A - Halfway Reflection

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1. The behaviors that I think are necessary to succeed in this class is diligence, creativity, and a good work ethic. All assignments are synchronized so that they are due on the same dates each week therefore making it so that every week needs attention. I definitely had to keep on pace throughout the semester so I can keep up with lectures and use them for that week's assignment. Creativity is also very important because many assignments are faster to complete if you can think outside the box. Thinking of different products and their implications are vital to completing many assignments in a timely manner. A good work ethic also goes hand in hand with diligence because everyone needs to be able to do the three assignments each week, the cupcake quiz, and reply to two people's posts.

2. During the first time we had to come up with an opportunity that I knew we would continue to build upon, I got demotivated very quick. I could not come up with an idea that I truly thought would be unique, successful, and descriptive enough to complete many future assignments. The way I got through this hurdle was to sit down and really brainstorm every possible opportunity that I thought was interesting. Assignments like this have definitely helped me become more tenacious and just about every assignment helps influence this behavior because most take considerable time and effort.

3. You need to watch the lectures before you do the assignments because they will not only help you with proper content but will also make it considerably easier to complete. Future students also need to really stick to a schedule because it is very easy to forget about deadlines or rack up too much work to finish in a short amount of time. The final tip I would give to future students is no matter what is happening during the week, the assignments still have to be completed. Whether you want to be persistent or not, the assignments don't go away and every missed assignment can really hurt your grade.
