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16A - Secret Sauce

1. My unique characteristics are being hard-working, social when I want to be, compassionate, outgoing, and always determined to succeed at what I do. I am hardworking because I always go 100% when im doing a task because I know its the most efficient way to operate. I'm social in situations where I want to be but I can also be more reserved if I think its appropriate. I also always consider others in my everyday life. I am more happy when I know those who are close to me are doing well. I hold a very positive outlook on life and try to be as optimistic as possible. Lastly, when I perform a tasks I do it to succeed. I don't look fondly on failure and I'll do anything moral to avoid to it.

2. Interview Questions
A.How would you describe me in three words?
B. What do you think are my best skills?
C. Do you think I will succeed? why?
D. Am I more social or introverted?
E. Do I command a room?

1. Mom
A. Smart, caring, and energetic.
B. Having the ability to talk to anyone you want to and being able to succeed at tasks that you have no experience with before. A very fast learner and perfecter.
C. Of course you will succeed. You have done amazing in college and you are already set to go to law school in the Fall.
D. Social when you want to be but I notice that when you want to be alone you have no problem establishing that.
E. If you want to command the room, you more than do it. Many times you go with the flow because the topic or group isn't something you think is important to you.

My mom definitely thinks that I can do anything because she is my mom. She reinforces my belief that I will succeed and that I am sympathetic of others.

2. Dad
A. Hard-working, smart, and athletic.
B. There is not a single thing that I don't think you're good at. If I had to think of your best skills it would be making everyone have a positive outlook on you. Rarely do I hear about you in any negative light except in middle school. You are also very calm because you go along with stuff even when I know it makes you mad.
C. You will succeed in anything that you want to succeed in. When you don't care then I don't think it will turn out well, but when you really are interested in something its always amazing to see the outcome.
D. Definitely social considering most of the time you're home you're always at someone's house or bringing your friends over so we can yell from our room to shut up.
E. You're 6'4 with a pretty deep voice. If you want to command the room then you sure as heck will.

My dad sees the hard working aspect me in me that he also shares. He also sees my height and athletic ability as an advantage.

3. Older brother Josh
A. Tall, smart, and a good friend.
B. I admire your ability to just tell it how it is. When you are serious about something you have little to no restraint from speaking your mind in a respectful manner. Like if I had an idea that you didn't think was the best you would just straight up tell me "nah dude that's a terrible idea".
C. You will succeed without a doubt. I've seen you excel at everything you do now so why would the future be any different.
D. Social without a doubt. You are always talking when im with you and I know with the amount of friends I met that you do it when im not there too.
E. Of course, all the Reed boys do.

Josh brought up a unique point that I "tell it how it is". He definitely thinks I will succeed in a similar way that I have in the past.

4. Older brother Jordan
A. Cool, calm, and funny.
B. Being able to hang out with anyone that you want to. You could hang out with any type of person and never feel awkward or restrained.
C. For sure. Everything that we do you become super good at with little to no effort. You get awesome grades in every class and it doesn't even seem like you try. If you want to succeed, I don't doubt that you will.
D. Social. I think everyone in the family shares this trait because we all have active lives and are not afraid of meeting new people.
E. With your height and ability to talk to anyone then I think you command any room that you want. I know you don't always care so it doesn't always happen but if you wanted to then im sure it would work out.

Jordan definitely knows my social characteristics. He thinks that my humor and calmness make a good combo for succeeding in the future. He also really emphasized my height as an advantage in the future.

5. Good friend Thomas
A. Funny, chill, and caring.
B. You are hard working and always down to help out no matter what the issue is. You are super clever and can always think of some witty response or solution to a problem. You are also a really good learner. I remember that one time we went ice skating and you were zooming and trying to do 360's within like 10 minutes of your first time skating.
C. Succeed at what? You can succeed at anything as long as you give yourself time to prepare and you truly want to do it. If you want to put 100% effort into it then I think you could do anything that is somewhat realistic.
D. Social when we are out at the bar or hanging with friends but you can be introverted when we are chilling at the house after a long day. Not sure if its more you being tired or just not wanting to interact in general.
E. Dude, every time I introduce you to people they just see the 6'4 dude coming in and you immediately have a presence. Aside from that, you can still command a room because you are one of the few people who voices their opinion in a way that doesn't sound like you're bull shitting whatsoever.

Thomas is a good friend that I've known since I was little. He was very descriptive in answering my questions. He sees me as a good friend, someone who can vibe with most people, and that my hard work will help me succeed in the future.

3. My close friends and family perceive me in a similar way that I perceive myself. They all believe that I have what it takes to succeed at what I choose to do and it reinforces what I think of my work ethic. Many interviews talked about being calm or collected and that was something I never really thought about myself. I wouldn't say that I am not calm, I just didn't think it was something that people noticed. If I had to make corrections to my list it would be to add being calm and substitute compassion for caring.


  1. Hello Sean,
    Your interviews were interesting! Also, I am the same way about others. I make sure that the people I care about are doing well and happy, because it makes me happy. My family also seen me the same way I see myself. Being a calm person is a good advantage to have, because you can control your emotions in a professional situation.

  2. Hello Sean,

    I really enjoyed your long post, very detailed. One skill that I have had to learn the hard way is how one, at times, needs to back out of being the star figure and assist others to be the star. To be a great leader, one needs to lead by assisting others to show their potential, while you sit back and see how they develop! I can also tell that you are a very hard-working individual! Great post!


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