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18A - Customer Avatar

Customer Avatar

The prototypical customer for my business is just anyone who drives a gasoline fueled car and occasionally uses cash. For this assignment, I created an avatar with the first person/style that came to my mind. This customer is Ricky Smith.

Ricky Smith is your typical consultant who is in his early 30's. Unfortunately, Ricky is already experiencing rapid hair loss but he embraces it well. When Ricky has free time, he enjoys going to the beach to get a tan and/or reading books about successful people and ideas. This customer has two cars, a Nissan Sentra for everyday driving and a F150 pickup truck for situational purposes. both of his vehicles are white and he keeps them completely clean of any smudges or bugs. Ricky is currently in a somewhat serious relationship with a coworker that he knew from college. He plans to have a family in the future but is content with taking everything slow and not forcing anything. Ricky loves to cook and therefore always spends time in the kitchen. With his cooking skills, Ricky thinks that going out to eat frequently is not suitable for him. Ricky's career success is the one of the most important things to him. He works long hours being a payroll consultant and is always looking for ways to manage his time better.

I do not share much in common with my generated avatar in both looks and social life. I do share a love for the beach, however I don't always go for tanning purposes like Ricky. I also share his mentality of not rushing things and the maintenance of his car's outside appearance. I spend a lot of time cleaning the front of my car, especially during love bug season, as I always find that there is stuff to remove. Although this prototypical customer came off the top of my head, I don't think there is a coincidence with some of the shared characteristics. If I was not an avid beach goer, I probably would not have thought of that as a way he enjoys spending his time. I also have friends that drive the two cars that he possesses, which may be too close to reality to be a coincidence.


  1. Hello Sean,

    I really enjoyed reading about your consumer avatar. The description you gave was so detailed that I can imagine Ricky. Also, Ricky is very realistic and the way he spends his free time is very interesting. I also agree about the love bugs. During love bug season, there are so many bugs on the front of cars. Whenever there are many bugs on my car, I wash it, but then another bug decides to land on it after I finished cleaning my car!

  2. I like how his personality is very plausible and not necessarily influenced by your product; this makes him more valuable to work with as a thought experiment since he is very nuanced. The similarities to you appear to be more situational and it seems you went far enough away to create an interesting person that is different enough from you to create contrast.


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