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19A - Idea Napkin No. 2

1. My name is Sean Reed and I'm one class away from graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor's in Business Management and a Minor in Real Estate. I believe I am an approachable person with the unique ability of being able to talk to anyone with confidence. I have experience working under an attorney, doing freelance construction/landscaping services, and worked retail in a grocery store for over three years. My next step in life will be to complete law school and hopefully pass the BAR on my first attempt. If this business were to take off, I believe I could do it while I'm still in school as the consulting would not take extensive amounts of time.

2. I am offering gas stations a unique opportunity to save their customer's time while differentiating their services from other local gas stations. The implementation of cash readers at the gas pump will allow for faster service, potential increased profit, and a way to set themselves apart from other gas stations.

3. The prototypical customer would be anyone that rides in a vehicle that uses gasoline and occasionally makes cash purchases. The recipient of the offer will be the gas station owners who would like to reach the previously mentioned customers more effectively. People may want to just save time, avoid interaction, or restrain themselves from the temptations of the convenience store.

4. Gas station owners would see my opportunity as a way to set themselves apart from the rest, which is something that is increasingly hard to do for this industry. There is also the added benefit of increasing cash use by customers as gas stations will make more money because credit card companies charge percentage fees for managing accounts receivable. This will also make the lines go down further and save customers valuable time. Gas stations could also potentially set a fee for it's use, which may be utilized for those who truly want to spend as little time as possible at the pump.

5. My business is different from the rest because of the novelty of the idea that I possess. Anyone with the same idea and belief of its success could do the same thing as my business, however whoever starts first would have the most success.

I believe these elements all fit together better the second go around. I have narrowed down on the typical customer while also finding stronger reasons for the product's effectiveness. The only disjoint part of the operation is pitching the idea to the gas stations while ensuring both sides receive the proper benefit. Again, there are the gas station owners who need to be convinced and the actual users of the product.  

I received feedback that indicated that people with social anxiety would be a successful target market for this opportunity. It makes sense that people like this would want to avoid the social interaction of waiting in line and paying so I made sure to incorporate it into the customer segment. I also used the feedback that said that even the passengers of the car are receiving the benefit of the product. This is important because it can drastically increase the amount of people who actually benefit from this product's implementation.


  1. It seems like your feedback has opened up another set of potential customers which is a great expansion for this business venture. Figuring out how to fully sell your idea to gas stations appears to be the next step but I think with the tools and ideas you've got so far, this shouldn't be too difficult. Also, congrats on almost graduating and good luck with law school!


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