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22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3


2. Last Elevator Pitch, I received feedback that the scenario that I played out was very helpful in understanding the importance of the product's convenience. Although I didn't present it in the same way as before, I made sure to include the aspects of why customer's don't want the industry set up as it resides today (no cash reading devices). I also received feedback saying how the term "convenience" left an impression. I made sure to make this aspect as important as possible because it is the basis for desiring the product in the first place.

3. I didn't receive negative feedback so I only changed things to make it more smooth and less redundant. The shortening of the pitch also makes it more challenging to fit the required descriptions so I had to cut down on the length of the explanations. I also tried to appeal to both the third party consumer and the gas station owners as both of their views and impressions are very important for my product's acceptance and success.


  1. Hello Sean,

    I enjoyed how you started off your elevator pitch with your name and the name of your business. In my elevator, I didn’t state the name of my business, which I don’t think is good, because investors wouldn’t know the name of my company. Also, you did well with shortening the pitch, while leaving the important information in.


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