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26A - Celebrating Failure

1. I failed at getting my practice LSAT score to the goal of 165 that I wanted. I was able to every now and again reach that score and go higher, however my consistency was not there as I repeatedly scored high 150's. I never really struggled with the logical reasoning or reading comprehension sections but the analytical reasoning was something I could not master easily. Setting up problems into "logic games" was a skill that I never practiced before and the time constraints for finishing each section was difficult. In the end, I was able to consistently score around 160 in my practice LSAT and eventually settled for a 158 when I took the real LSAT.

2. I learned that failure is not indicative of your future success. Although I had to practice for a considerable amount of time, I was eventually able to "master" that difficult section so I could score better overall. I also learned that if you put enough time and effort into something similar to what I did, you can achieve your desired results. I did not score well enough to meet the initial goal I proposed but I did score well enough to get into law school at FSU.

3. Failure sucks but its not the end. No one wants to fail at something they are doing, thats just human spirit. Ensuring that failure doesn't keep you down is the biggest factor into eventually turning that failure into a success. You always have to keep moving, no matter how important or horrendous the failure was. If you don't learn something from your failure then you are doing something wrong with your analysis.

I handle failure by letting myself know that it's okay. There's almost always another opportunity down the road to succeed and if I care enough then I will ensure that I meet that goal. This class has taught me that failure is apart of every process, whether its small or large. It was very clear to see how our failures led us down to a path for success in this specific class as we have kept our initial ideas this whole semester. I would be slightly more adept to taking bigger risks in the future after this class, however its hard to say under vague circumstances. Whether I choose to be more risk averse or a risk lover in the future, I will make sure to analyze my work so I can always learn something from every attempt.


  1. Congrats on your score and I am so sorry that you had to go to FSU. Your right that failing is important and there is always going to be another opportunity. That is just how life is, if you keep looking for more, your will certainly always find more. I bet you could have found a law school from another college that you would have not even needed that high of a score. I think a big part of this class is to break people to of their limitations and fears of taking risks because they might end up taking a risk and doing something great.


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