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28A - Your Exit Strategy

1. I do not foresee myself handling this business after its first few found of successes as I'd rather a big short-term paycheck than having to operate the business for years to come. I currently have other passions that I would rather pursue than this business therefore giving me the desire to stop while I'm ahead.

2. I selected to sell my business after a short time period because I do not have that burning desire to operate a business in this particular field. I would rather practice law and make sure that is my main focus in the future. If I were to own my own business, I'd rather have it pertain to something I truly care about such as soccer and basketball.

3. I don't think this exit strategy had much to do with my initial concepts because I always knew I had to do everything possible just to get my business to a point where I could sell it. Even if I wanted to continue with the idea for the long term, I would have gone about the assignments the same way. I did complete a few assignments under the assumption that I could do it as a side job later in the future but that would all be dependent on how successful the venture is.


  1. Hello Sean,

    It is great that you already realized the path you want your business to go and that you don’t want to operate it forever. Being very diverse with your passions and interests is good, because you have many fields you could start a business in if you ever decide on creating another one. I hope that your business goes well!

  2. We have the same goal. To eventually work enough to get the business up and running an then sell to the highest bidder. If, eventually, my company actually became a thing, I bet that I could sell it for enough money to have my other business venture that I want to be in. I think, by your response, that you feel the same way and want the same thing. The hard part of our idea is that we need to work hard enough to actually sell our businesses and that can be difficult and take a serious amount of time.


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