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30A - Final Reflection

1. I definitely struggled to maintain my posting schedule throughout each week as I wanted to enjoy as much of Summer as I could. The lows were definitely buckling down and doing assignments on the last day and therefore skipping whatever activity I was trying to do with friends. I missed one assignment throughout the semester so I wish I would have been able to complete each one fully. Making the first elevator pitch was almost fun because I never realized how awkward it was to speak into a camera like that before. After a few attempts it got much easier and turned out not to be too hard at all. The worst moment of the semester was definitely spending a whole day reading a book because I completely forgot that we had a reading reflection due that week.

2. The elevator pitches will definitely stick out because that is a skill that will definitely benefit me in the future. Doing it in front of a camera allowed me to see how awkward situations can be unless you can become comfortable in a situation. Finishing this final assignment will be my most joyous moment as after this assignment I can finally enjoy my summer no strings attached.  I'm proud of myself for doing all but one of the assignments during my last summer of undergraduate. I initially thought I would have missed more, however I was somewhat diligent in keeping to my schedule even if it was cramming on Friday.

3. I have become more familiar with failure and know how to move past it so I am more adjusted to the entrepreneurial mindset. I also have more of a tendency to observe and evaluate opportunities in a business context that I didn't really do before. I wouldn't say that I am an entrepreneur  because I haven't really done anything in the real world rather than adjust to the mindset in class. I think it will make it easier to get to that final step if I so choose, but I do not see that happening in the immediate future.

4. I would recommend to incoming students to become familiar with failure and not let it get you down. A lot of these assignments build off of each other and have failure incorporated into the first drafts. I would also suggest to really adhere to the schedule they create in the beginning of class and potentially even do some of the assignments in advance. As long as the incoming students put in the effort to do well, they will do well.
