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Showing posts from June, 2019

15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior

Alternative Solutions Drive to another gas station Don't get gas Deal with it and go inside Use a card even though you wanted to use cash Three Interviewees Jessica Gall Ava Winstead Mark Pacheco Jessica Gall Jessica is one of the most impatient people that I know. She works as a server and always has ample amounts of cash along with money that she deposits in the bank (debit card). If her gas tank had more than 1/5 and she saw a long line she would just get it the next time she was out. If the line wasn't super long and she had extra time she would just go inside. She said she has gone to other gas stations before because they were too busy inside but would only do it if another gas station neighbored it or was across the street. The main alternative solution for her is using a card even though she wanted to use cash. When she has cash she prefers to use it, however sometimes she rather just use the debit card. Her purchase seemed the most right when it was conduct

16A - Secret Sauce

1. My unique characteristics are being hard-working, social when I want to be, compassionate, outgoing, and always determined to succeed at what I do. I am hardworking because I always go 100% when im doing a task because I know its the most efficient way to operate. I'm social in situations where I want to be but I can also be more reserved if I think its appropriate. I also always consider others in my everyday life. I am more happy when I know those who are close to me are doing well. I hold a very positive outlook on life and try to be as optimistic as possible. Lastly, when I perform a tasks I do it to succeed. I don't look fondly on failure and I'll do anything moral to avoid to it. 2. Interview Questions A.How would you describe me in three words? B. What do you think are my best skills? C. Do you think I will succeed? why? D. Am I more social or introverted? E. Do I command a room? 1. Mom A. Smart, caring, and energetic. B. Having the ability to talk

14A - Halfway Reflection

1. The behaviors that I think are necessary to succeed in this class is diligence, creativity, and a good work ethic. All assignments are synchronized so that they are due on the same dates each week therefore making it so that every week needs attention. I definitely had to keep on pace throughout the semester so I can keep up with lectures and use them for that week's assignment. Creativity is also very important because many assignments are faster to complete if you can think outside the box. Thinking of different products and their implications are vital to completing many assignments in a timely manner. A good work ethic also goes hand in hand with diligence because everyone needs to be able to do the three assignments each week, the cupcake quiz, and reply to two people's posts. 2. During the first time we had to come up with an opportunity that I knew we would continue to build upon, I got demotivated very quick. I could not come up with an idea that I truly though

12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior

The segment that I chose was college students in the Gainesville area (ages 18-26) who are active drivers and at least occasionally make cash purchases. I interviewed three students: 18 year old freshman who drives a ford truck, 22 year old senior who drives a mustang, and a 23 year old woman who just graduated this Spring. All three of the interviewees met the criteria for my unmet need and were all aware of this need before the interviews were conducted. When discussing the awareness of the need, all interviewees agreed that they always notice it when they are less than a quarter of gas in their vehicle. They all also talked about how every single time they wish to go back home to their respective cities on the weekends, they think about this unmet need as they are already on a long trip and would like any convenience they can get. The time that this unmet need is recognized is anytime that they are driving. It could be 1 pm, 3 am, or 9 pm. One interviewee also mentioned a specific

11A - Idea Napkin No. 1

1)  You.  My name is Sean Reed and i'm a senior at the University of Florida. My talents include being able to talk to anybody in an outgoing fashion and being confident for all my future business endeavors. I have experience working retail and at an attorneys office, therefore giving me a sense of the business world. In the future I hope to go to law school and become an attorney specializing in real estate law. I could run this business while pursuing other ventures as this business would not require full-time effort unless there turns out to be a very strong demand. 2)  What are you offering to customers?  The opportunity to pay for gas at the pump when paying with cash. This will also provide convenience to all gas station customers and employees. 3)  Who are you offering it to?  The end consumer would be any person with a vehicle that uses gasoline that utilizes cash. All of the customers share the requirement of riding in a gas power vehicle and periodically using

13A - Reading Reflection #1

Twenty-Seven Dollars and a Dream What surprised you the most? Muhammad Yunus is a clever entrepreneur and social businessman making his name through unconventional means. I was very surprised to hear that Yunus has operated small rural banks through Bangladesh that cater primarily to Muslim women. I did not think that his vision of microfinance would be socially acceptable for that specific country, however he was able to convince women it was a sound idea. The small loans were even paid back at over a 98% return rate meaning that the very poor were still able to stay true to their promises. What about the entrepreneur did you most admire? I appreciate Yunus’s vision of battling the true issues that plague his country’s lower classes, which include poverty and lack of empowered women. Growing up middle class in his country (it is noted that this is still very poor), means that his motivation comes from the experiences he's had growing up in his home country. I admire t

10A - Elevator Pitch No. 1

Convenient Fueling Consulting Service based in Gainesville, Florida My company's goal is to eliminate the inconvenience at gas stations for all cash customers. Gas stations throughout the country continue to only implement card readers while forcing cash customers to pay in-store. In order to seize this opportunity, my company will conduct meetings with local franchised gas stations to convince them of the benefits of this addition. With perks such as faster fill ups, distinction from other gas stations, and an opportunity of increased prices is a win-win for both companies and users. One thing we can always rely on is that customers will take convenience any way that they can get it.

9A - Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

Convenient Fuel Ups Opportunity Gas stations throughout the country do not utilize cash accepting devices at the pump, therefore forcing cash customers to pay in-store. The solution would be to install cash accepting devices on some or all gas pumps. Interviews 1-2 (Prototypical customers that could utilize the opportunity) I conducted two interviews with two classmates from my wildlife class. The two interviewees actively utilized gas vehicles, however they mostly used credit cards instead of cash. In these interviews, I discussed the given opportunity as well as my proposed solution. Both participants like the convenience factor of the opportunity but pointed out that they would only receive the secondary benefits from the gas pumps being used in a more timely fashion when waiting. After I asked about situations in which they were the passenger of the car, they both actively agreed that there may be very specific situations in the future where the convenience is more clear.

8A - Solving the Problem

The Simple Solution Most gas stations throughout the country continue to deny customers the ability to really "pay at the pump". In reality, gas pumps only allow customers using credit and debit cards to pay at the pump while cash customers must go inside. The implementation of technology that allows customers to pay for gas with cash, similar to how a vending machine works, would provide convenience to cash customers. This would be a great opportunity for gas stations to provide new changes that would set them apart from the rest of their local competition. My solution to this opportunity would consist of a consulting service for gas stations. In this service, I would set up meetings with gas companies for the purpose of pitching them my business plan. The pitch will be the most important part of this process due to the opportunity being a large change. The loss of derived sales in-store from customers not coming in may have to be combated with an additional soluti